Our story

A bit about us

Tiffany started out as a practitioner and moved to sales - when her agency needed more business, she was pretty good at it, loved it, and has done it ever since. And Estelle went the other way - starting out in sales and switching to consulting when she realized that success in business was about understanding people. 

What we agreed on, within hours of meeting, was the importance of sales success to the people we worked with and for. Practitioner-led sales drive better outcomes for clients because their needs are understood and met.  Selling this way tends to lead to better outcomes for project teams too.

Tiffany Vasilchik Headshot

Tiffany Vasilchik Co-Founder LinkedIn Profile

But we know it’s hard.

We’ve lived through most of the challenges faced by agencies and consultancies in building and maintaining a reliable, profitable revenue pipeline.

Porpoising - when you sell, sell, sell then have to deliver everything you’ve sold and don’t have time to build the future pipeline of work, resulting in a continual up and down cycle.

I’m not a ‘sales-person’ - that feeling you often experience as a practitioner because sales is not your bag.

Procrastination paralysis - when there are just too many competing priorities, and the thing you like the least – most commonly prospecting – drops to the bottom of the list.

Estelle Shephard

Estelle Shepherd Co-Founder LinkedIn Profile

Then along came AI.

We saw immediately how it could change the game - if we embrace AI across the entire sales process it will propel us (yes, all of us) in ways that are effective, unique and authentic.

Hot Cognition was built to help consultants, strategists, innovators, designers (all practitioners with a revenue target) to harness AI to drive their sales success. And to help them feel better as they sell.

Talk soon -

Tiffany and Estelle

Accelerating into the future

What is hot cognition?

Hot cognition is where emotions influence your decision-making. It's the gut feeling, the intuition, and the ability to read signals that guide successful interactions.

Hot Cognition in sales:

In sales, hot cognition contributes to how you build rapport, sense a client's needs and tailor your pitch to meet clients on a personal level. It's what separates good salespeople from great closers.

Hot Cognition + AI - a powerful combination:

Hot Cognition takes the “cold” tasks off your plate. While you enlist AI to help you drive your efficiency and effectiveness with analysis and routine tasks + processes you capture and store better insight about your prospects and develop better proposals to enhance your close ratio. You're finally free to focus on those high-value, human-driven hot cognition skills that land deals and build lasting customer relationships.

The result:

Increased sales, deeper customer connections, and a competitive edge built on understanding your clients as humans.